Saturday, June 2, 2012

Heh. Day two and I'm already bitching about my life. But that's what blogs are for, amirite!!!!

So, like any young almost-twenty something home from college during the summer, I NEED A JOB. Like really badly. 

Long story short, got an opportunity to do some work at a school as a teacher's aide and I think I botched it. I waited too long to fill the post and I think it's filled now. Or something. Friend of the family was really on my ass about it and I didn't not take the bait. Boo for me. 

I would lay out a pound of excuses here about why I chose to procrastinate, blah, blah, but I don't really have any good ones other than the fact that I pretty much detest anyone who is under the age of 18. 

That's mean, I know. 

I don't know what it is about kids and teenagers. Hell, I'M technically still a teenager but being on the verge of twenty has given me major contempt for anyone three years younger --'cept for my little brother-- I just can't do it. I can't go back there. I can't care about papercuts, boo-boo's, spilled apple juice inside of backpacks, snotty noses, or the occasional kid who pisses on themselves. I can't do it. For teens, I could give a shit about "your crush on so-and-so that didn't work out" or...well, whatever teens bitch about these days! I can't do it. 

All right, so I'm generalizing here. I know. Not every kid or teen is the same and, heck, in each annoying gaggle there ARE a few good ones. I just don't have the patience to weed through all the smart mouthed, crazy ones to find those gems.

Not to mention, this position would bring up my long fought battle to absolutely NOT have anything to do with teaching. 

I'm nobody's teacher. I can barely teach myself how to brush my teeth (kay, not true) or play chess, or find all my missing Riddler trophies on Batman: AC. My patience I've come to realize, as I get older, is gradually wearing thin. I can't sit down long enough to learn how to play a new game, let alone make sure some kid knows how to use semi-colons correctly (and, yeah, I STILL have problems with them myself). So what good would I be bestowing if I was somebody's teacher's aide? 

'Course, that's my problem right there. I spend too much time thinking about "what-if" instead of just doing something and coming up with my own answer. Sigh...

Anyway, the fam needs some money and I need to get my ass into gear and find something to do that doesn't consist of watching Batman: TAS all day and eating

I am pitiful. 

On a side note, I WILL post something about writing here. I WILL.

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