Wednesday, August 20, 2014

So I know I said...

Hey self, and anyone passing by...

I know I said I was going to post my reviews of Twilight before, etc. and I'm pretty sure I will STILL do that, but current updates is that it's pretty slow going through the book because I'm fucking bored as hell and can't get through a few paragraphs without becoming irritated. All honesty here, though it's not so much a slight on the books themselves, and more so a general summation of my current feelings while reading.

I'm bored because Bella and Edward seem to be having the same back and forth conversation for far too many pages, and that's all undercut with Bella's over-analyzing every tiny thing said, lovingly interspersed with her admiration of Edward's godlike beauty and deathly pale skin. It's become a bit tedious, that's all.

The irritation comes in from Bella's own personality--how self deprecating she is, how clumsy she is, how much more perfect Edward is than her--alongside Edward's constant brooding of his vampirism. Again, I'm not necessarily saying the series as whole is irrelevant because of this fact (and more relevant BECAUSE of it) but, again, it's just my brutal honesty as a reader.

Funnily enough, while having trouble with Twilight itself, I'm nearly through with the so-called Twilight rip-off, Fifty Shades of Grey. While there is plenty not-so positive feelings rising inside me from my experience here, I'm nearly through and wondering if I should just post my thoughts on that.

Might as well, I suppose.

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