1. I'm too tired/hungry/sleepy/sluggish
2. I don't have a proper journal...
3. Or pen...
4. I need to spend more time looking for a job--
5. OR reading.
6. I haven't read diversely enough.
7. I read too much "genre" fiction so my ideas and stories are poor and unworthy anyway.
8. I need to spend more time worldbuilding or fleshing out a plot, characters, etc.
9. I don't HAVE a feasible plot OR conflict to BEGIN with, so what's the point?
10. My handwriting is too sloppy.
11. Writing is worthless--I should be focusing on getting a REAL degree so I can have a REAL job!
12. Unless I hit it big like JK or GRRM I'm just wasting my time.
13. I'd rather
14. Breaking Bad
15. Breaking Bad ON NETFLIX
17. Whatevers on TV at the moment.
18. I get so full when I eat that it saps away any energy I could use toward writing. So there's that.
19. I'm reading a book that I've either a) never read or b) finally trying to get the time to read.
20. The webcomics I'm following at the moment (eg. The Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, Teahouse, Starfighter, Sfeer Theory, Oglaf...)
23. Drawing doodles of flying penises in my journal.
24. Netflix (it's ALWAYS Netflix!)
25. Talking to my family
26. Email.
27. Food.
28. Reading articles ABOUT writing instead of just, you know, WRITING.
29. Acquiring beautiful leather bound journals...and spending more time flipping through the blank pages and WISHING I had the fervor to go to town on them with ink.
30. Delicious Emily games
31. Having to babysit my niece.
32. My older brother delightfully putting a harpoon into any plans I've set aside to get some writing down with his last-minute grocery shopping journeys which requires me to make the trek to his house and watch his precocious little girl.
33. Needing the right font to head my chapter titles with.
34. Buzzfeed.
35. Pooping.
36. Sleeping
37. Oiling and/or messing around with my hair
38. Listening to my Ipod
39. Poking at my face
40. Spending the last hour writing this damn thing.
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