"....Having swallowed these ideas, people regurgitated them at me at nearly
every turn. And for a time, I swallowed them, too. As a black woman, I
believed I wasn’t supposed to be a writer. Simultaneously I believed I
was supposed to write about black people — and only black people. And
only within a strictly limited set of topics deemed relevant to black
people, because only black people would ever read anything I’d written.
Took me years after I started writing to create a protagonist who
looked like me. And then once I started doing so, it took me years to
write a protagonist who was something different."
N.K. Jemisin, Dreaming Awake, a post from her blog
Believe it or not, I actually DO have something to say about this quote, because since I've started reading this woman's book (The Broken Kingdoms, second in the Inheritance Triology series), I've fallen head over heels. Seriously--I NEED her in my life.
So, again, we'll see what happens.